I'm a very passionate reader. Growing up as I did in ~this society~ has made me much more partial to unpublished, internet-based works, because, if you didn't notice,

As well as this very hard leaning wrt story content, my personal tastes have led me to fanworks more often than not. So, here lies a compilation of my favourite works ever, from the perspective of a total elitist with a fatal flaw in their overcritical eye -- in other words, these works FUCK!!!!!!
Stuff purely dedicated to shipping will be in their own category.
real ass blasters

the envy of eden, by kintsugi
"'Pokemon never tell lies,' N said outside of Mistralton, days before he summoned the ancient dragon and changed the world. Unova disagrees--pokemon, they claim, are just as capable of telling lies as humans--but one thing is clear: what pokemon do tell is a different story altogether.
this is a story about things that start with n."

the envy of eden is the single best fanfiction I've ever read. It haunts me every single day. I drew art for it that had so much passion put into it that I felt good(!!!!) making prints of it. To overly describe it myself would probably do it a disservice; this is an exploration of the Pokemon world, of the inner lives of the beings themselves, and of the people who wield dominion. Culture, society, and consciousness itself are held front-and-center, and never does kintsugi shy away from difficult topics. If you were to read any one work on this page, I hope it's this.

Broken Things by Persephone
"There's the sound of splashing beneath you as you walk out of the shallows. You rub your feet in the grass until they're dry enough they probably won't blister before putting your shoes back. No blood this morning. Just prayer and fasting in the Western, self-starvation sense. Maybe some of the food at breakfast was unseasoned enough to count as fasting to the gods. You've heard the jokes about American cuisine and they aren't really wrong. But the fasting isn't for the gods, is it?
Shut up. Today is a lucky day. Don't waste it."

Broken Things is a story about many, many things, very few of which are pretty. I struggled to find a suitable quote for this story. It's dense. Heavy. I don't know if I've read anything as deeply visceral, as blunt and unafraid. Despite this -- despite Cuicatl's oscillating hatred, Kekoa's smouldering despair, Genesis' muted fear, Pixie -- this work is beautiful. Stunning in the way of a natural disaster; unearthly while deeply, inescapably real. Persephone wields the human experience like a knife. And while it may not be gentle, it is piercing, and it is an experience I will never forget.

Ghost Town by girllikesubstance
"December, 1976: psychic-in-training Jodi has come home to sleepy Mahogany for Christmas, and to come out to her family. But when she arrives, she finds her childhood best friend has been murdered - and her ghost is still trapped here on earth. Someone in town is responsible. And Jodi is determined to find out who."

Ghost Town is crazyyyyy. I seriously can't believe we're so lucky as to have girllikesubstance's writing online, for free. Their (xyr?) works are so polished, so grandiose yet grounded, it's ridiculous. If I was to ever get into bookbinding, I would go for Ghost Town first. It's something so special. The Pokemon universe is a flattering counterpart to the personal turmoil experienced by our leads, the mundane and the extraordinary combined in a natural smoothie. The POV is split between a psychic and her best-friend-turned-Spiritomb, and these situations are handled with an expert deftness befitting their supernatural cirsumstances. Everything said, experienced, described... It's all so poignant, powerful. Messy. SO good. girllikesubstance's fics all feel SO good. Like climbing into a blanket in a cold winter storm; the hush is overpowering, the world blocked out -- and left behind, there is only you. There will be more of their/xyr fics here. Probably many.